Thursday, August 25, 2022

Workers' Compensation and the ABA Journal of Labor & Employment Law

I am so grateful to be a new co-director of the Wefel Center for Employment Law at the Saint Louis University School of Law! I also now share duties as co-editor of the American Bar Association's Journal of Labor & Employment Law with SLU Law Professor (and all around all-star) Marcia McCormick. (The Journal is hosted by SLU Law). Professor McCormick has been extremely supportive of my interest in workers' compensation. To that end, I want to encourage writers of analytical workers' compensation articles to submit to the ABA Journal of LEL. It is sometimes difficult to determine where to submit pieces on tricky workers' compensation issues. The main purpose of this post is to ask that you consider sending them our way! Submission information is here.

Michael C. Duff

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