Tuesday, July 18, 2017

New Edition of Duff's Workers' Compensation Law

I am pleased to announce that the Second Edition of my law school textbook, Workers' Compensation Law, has been published by Carolina Academic Press and is available (with Teacher's Manual from Carolina Academic Press. The book is oriented to beginning law students, or anyone else looking for a legal introduction to workers' compensation. While an essentially a complete exposition, the book is not, nor does it pretend to be, a treatise. Rather, as a law teacher embarking on his 12th year of teaching this fall, I have made a number of stylistic and substantive choices that are in accord with what I have found to be most effective in a law school classroom -- and with an eye to the Carnegie Foundation's "Educating Lawyers" publication. I should also probably mention that the book is very reasonably priced, coming in at just over a third the cost of other law school textbooks.

Michael C. Duff

Workers' Compensation Law 2nd Edition



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