Saturday, June 21, 2008
Collateral Consequences of a Criminal Conviction & Martha Stewart
Sometimes the collateral consequences of a conviction make no sense. Martha Stewart could not possibly hurt anyone or be a harm to the UK, yet the technicality of the conviction initially denied her receiving a visa. See CNN, Martha Stewart Denied UK Visa But Hopes to Visit Soon.
Addendum - There is certainly a question as to why Ms. Stewart needed a visa, and what legal provision in the UK looks at criminal convictions in other countries? Any readers know the answer here?
Some countries have separate provisions for those previously convicted of a crime. For example, Canada has -
"Previous Convictions
Section 19 of Canada's Immigration Act prohibits the admission of people who pose a threat to public health, safety, order, and national security. Prior to attempting a border crossing, American citizens who have had a criminal conviction in the past must contact the nearest Canadian embassy or consulate well in advance to determine their admissibility as visitors into Canada. If found inadmissible, an immigration officer will advise whether a waiver (Minister's Permit) is possible." See; see also
I am not able to find any for the UK in a quick search, but there is this site.
Posted by: esp | Jun 22, 2008 9:41:32 PM
I'm confused. Travel to England requires only a valid US Passport. According to my travel sources, no VISA is required if the visit is brief for either vacation or business. So the question is (a) does Martha not have a valid US Passport as a result of her conviction or (b) how would the issue arise since it appears that no VISA is required?
Really would appreciate some clarification!
Posted by: Chuck Gallagher | Jun 22, 2008 7:07:34 AM