Sunday, April 6, 2008
Is Blogging Hazardous to Your Health?
Checkout this NYTimes story here. I think there is some truth to this piece, especially when it's not your full-time job. The law prof who takes on blogging finds him or herself glued to the computer more hours than prior to taking up blogging. Weight gain - yes! Loss of Sleep - yes! But in the end, I would have to say that blogging results in better teaching, as the material learned while blogging significantly enhances the classroom experience.
I am hitting Paul Caron at TaxProf, Dan Solove at Concurring Opinion, Dan Filler at Faculty Lounge, Ann Bartow at Feminist Law Professors, Glenn Reynolds at InstaPundit, Paul Butler at BlackProf, and Doug Berman at Sentencing Law & Policy. What do you think?
Professor Doug Berman - Sentencing Law & Policy - "I agree on all fronts. I probably work more, but I also know I know more and do more. And if I am putting myself closer to an early grave, at least I will leave a lot behind to cite..."
Joe Hodnicki - X.O Law Professors Blog "Hazardous? Yes. Two herniated discs in my neck from toiling over a keyboard (bad posture) last year! Joe"
Professor Ann Bartow - Feminist Law Professors Blog - "I definitely spend too much time at the computer, which can't be good. Of far more concern to me, though, are the agressively nasty e-mails and (attempted) comments I receive as a result of the blog. They add a lot of stress."
Professor Dan Fuller - Faculty Lounge - "Since law teaching is already a full-time job when you're not blogging, it's inevitable that blogging will eat into the rest of your life. But for me, I've come to accept that it is a work-related hobby, and a great way to indulge in one of my personal love/hate passions: writing. I agree with Ann - nasty responses are no fun. But it only adds an incentive to write precisely, so that the nasty folk are at least responding to something I actually intended to say!"
Now blogging is hazardous to your health. I thought cigarettes are hazardous to your health. Doesn't matter if you blogging, smoking, drinking, working in any job etc., the type of lifestyle is always add to a person's health not just in blogging in this case. Next, we are going to hear on a commercial on what type of pill that a person has to take for blogging health issues.
Posted by: SP Biloxi | Apr 6, 2008 9:31:31 PM
Hazardous? Yes. Two herniated discs in my neck from toiling over a keyboard (bad posture) last year! Joe
Posted by: Joe Hodnicki | Apr 7, 2008 9:15:57 AM
I definitely spend too much time at the computer, which can't be good. Of far more concern to me, though, are the agressively nasty e-mails and (attempted) comments I receive as a result of the blog. They add a lot of stress.
Posted by: Ann Bartow | Apr 7, 2008 2:19:58 PM
Since law teaching is already a full-time job when you're not blogging, it's inevitable that blogging will eat into the rest of your life. But for me, I've come to accept that it is a work-related hobby, and a great way to indulge in one of my personal love/hate passions: writing. I agree with Ann - nasty responses are no fun. But it only adds an incentive to write precisely, so that the nasty folk are at least responding to something I actually intended to say!
Posted by: Dan Filler | Apr 11, 2008 6:34:58 AM
I think the feminist movement is not helping positively to this case
Posted by: Healthy Recipes | Sep 14, 2009 7:06:26 AM
I agree on all fronts. I probably work more, but I also know I know more and do more. And if I am putting myself closer to an early grave, at least I will leave a lot behind to cite...
Posted by: Doug B. | Apr 6, 2008 2:03:22 PM