Friday, August 5, 2005

No Time for Other Former WorldCom Accounting Manager

Troy Norman, who also plead guilty and cooperated with the government, received no jail time.  The Wall Street Jrl reports here that although Betty Vinson received five months in jail and five months of house arrest, Judge Barbara Jones did not give Troy Norman a like sentence.  The Assistant United States Attorney apparently argued for the lesser sentence premised on Norman's attempt to resign his position with the company.

People in need of the employment to support their families, people who may be more timid and less likely to stand up to authority, need to be aware that these extenuating circumstances may not be factored into a sentence recommendation of the government.  It may be a bottom line type of approach -  did you try to get out when you were asked to do something criminal,and if so, you get a better benefit than if you did not try and went along with the criminal activity. Your role in the eventual criminality may also play a factor in the sentence given. My only concern here is whether more timid individuals, those who tend to go along with the commands and activities of others- especially higher-ups, may receive more severe sentences as a result of this approach being taken.  Maybe they should?


Sentencing, WorldCom | Permalink

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