Sunday, August 21, 2005

Mississippi and KMPG

KPMG may have more on its hands than just civil law suits (see post here). The LATimes (Reuters) reports here that Mississippi is considering filing "criminal charges" against KPMG. Will other states follow?  Should states be allowed to bring cases against national companies for criminal charges  where the federal government does not bring the charges?  Could a state bring a company down as was done by the federal government in the case of Arthur Andersen?  Should this be permitted? Stay tuned.


Arthur Andersen, Prosecutions, WorldCom | Permalink

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» Piling on KPMG from Houston's Clear Thinkers
As KPMG attempts to finalize a deferred prosectution agreement with federal prosecutors that would avoid an Arthur Andersen-type indictment and probable meltdown, now they have another front on the criminal battlefield to be worried about: Mississippi ... [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 21, 2005 5:15:26 AM