Friday, August 5, 2005

Employees Carry This Decision With You

Every employee should carry a copy of a newspaper article telling the sentence of Betty Vinson a former WorldCom worker. (see BBC article here) She entered the numbers on the books, albeit at the direction of her superiors. It was wrong, but when you work for someone you assume that you have to do as they say to keep your position.  Saving your job is never worth doing something illegal, especially something that may land you in jail down the road.  Following orders will not be an effective defense here.  So show your employer the newspaper article of Betty Vinson getting 5 months in jail and say - no way!


WorldCom | Permalink

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» Carry This Decision With You from InhouseBlog - News for Inhouse Counsel
In linking to the story of the sentencing of Betty Vinson, a former Worldcom employee, the WhiteCollarCrimeProfBlog provides a cautionary tale for all employees - including inhouse counsel: She entered the numbers on the books, albeit at the direction of [Read More]

Tracked on Aug 11, 2005 6:49:32 PM