Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Federal Circuit Rules in Favor of Blue Water Veterans
In a decision issued this morning, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled that the presumption of service connection for certain diseases for veterans who served in Vietnam applies to so-called "blue water" veterans - those who served on ships in waterways off the coast of Vietnam, but did not set foot on land. The case is Procopio v. Wilkie, 2017-1821, and the opinion can be found here - http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/17-1821.Opinion.1-29-2019.pdf The National Law School Veterans Clinics Consortium (NLSVCC) filed an amicus brief in support of the appellant's position.
January 29, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, January 21, 2019
US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims - Scholarship Competition
The CAVC Bar Association is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for law student applicants to attend the CAVC’s 14th Judicial Conference. Selected scholarship recipients will receive paid registration ($290 value) and a travel stipend (up to $500 for those outside the Washington, DC metropolitan area).
This is a two-day conference to be held on April 11 and 12, 2019, at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Scholarship recipients will also receive free registration to the Bar Association's half-day component which will immediately follow in the afternoon on April 12.
The CAVC Judicial Conference, which is expected to sell out, is held every three years and is an important opportunity for veterans law practitioners in all sectors (e.g., government, private sector, non-profit) to discuss issues facing today’s veterans. The conference will include presentations from notable authorities in the field of veterans law. Past keynote speakers have included prior VA Secretaries and U.S. Supreme Court Justices. More information regarding the conference may be found at www.uscourts.cavc.gov.
Students are encouraged to consult with their law school to determine if additional funds are available to subsidize travel costs.
Eligibility and Entry Requirements:
To be eligible, applicants must be currently enrolled at an ABA accredited law school. To enter, applicants must submit a written submission (about two pages).
In your written submission, please identify your name and law school. Also describe any experience in veterans law or military service and state your personal interest in the field of veterans law or attending the conference. In so doing, we suggest you also discuss one of the following topics: (1) a challenge that the field faces or will face going forward, (2) a development in veterans law that interests you, or (3) the personal impact that you see yourself making in the field of veterans law.
Only one entry is permitted per applicant.
Entries must be transmitted via email for consideration to [email protected], with the email subject line “CAVC Judicial Conference Scholarship Application.” The deadline for all entries is Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 11:59pm EST. The selected recipients will be notified on or after February 25, 2019, and will then be able to register free of charge for the two-day conference. (Registration deadline is March 1, 2019.) Good luck!
January 21, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
US Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims - Annual Conference
Save the date posting here - https://www.uscourts.cavc.gov/special.php?ann_id=95
January 21, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, January 7, 2019
Yelena Duarte to Head John Marshall's Veterans Legal Support Clinic
Chicago's John Marshall Law School (JMLS) has announced that Yelena Duarte will take over as Director of its Veterans Legal Support Clinic (VLSC) at the end of this academic year. At present, Yelena serves as Director of Syracuse University's Wohl Family Veterans Legal Clinic. The VLSC is one of the country's longest-standing and most successful veterans legal clinics, and Yelena joins a line of outstanding prior Directors including friends Joe Butler and Brian Clauss. Congratulations to both Yelena and JMLS.
January 7, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)
Institute for Law Teaching - Summer Conference - Call for Proposals
Institute for Law Teaching and Learning Summer Conference
“Teaching Today’s Law Students”
June 3-5, 2019
Washburn University School of Law
Topeka, Kansas
The Institute for Law Teaching and Learning invites proposals for conference workshops addressing the many ways that law professors and administrators are reaching today’s law students. With the ever-changing and heterogeneous nature of law students, this topic has taken on increased urgency for professors thinking about effective teaching strategies.
The conference theme is intentionally broad and is designed to encompass a wide variety of topics – neuroscientific approaches to effective teaching; generational research about current law students; effective use of technology in the classroom; teaching first-generation college students; classroom behavior in the current political climate; academic approaches to less prepared students; fostering qualities such as growth mindset, resilience, and emotional intelligence in students; or techniques for providing effective formative feedback to students.
Accordingly, the Institute invites proposals for 60-minute workshops consistent with a broad interpretation of the conference theme. Each workshop should include materials that participants can use during the workshop and when they return to their campuses. Presenters should model effective teaching methods by actively engaging the workshop participants. The Institute Co-Directors are glad to work with anyone who would like advice on designing their presentations to be interactive.
To be considered for the conference, proposals should be one page (maximum), single-spaced, and include the following information:
- The title of the workshop;
- The name, address, telephone number, and email address of the presenter(s); and
- A summary of the contents of the workshop, including its goals and methods; and
- A description of the techniques the presenter will use to engage workshop participants and make the workshop interactive.
The proposal deadline is February 15, 2019. Submit proposals via email to Professor Emily Grant, Co-Director, Institute for Law Teaching and Learning, at [email protected].
January 7, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)