Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Wills, Trusts, and Estates: A Contemporary Approach, 2nd Edition
Wills, Trusts, and Estates: A Contemporary Approach, 2nd Edition (Interactive Casebook Series) authored by Lloyd Bonfield (New York Law School), Joanna L. Grossman (SMU Dedman School of Law), and William P. LaPiana (New York Law School) will be published in July and available for Fall 2023 courses.
Here is the publisher's description of the book:
This casebook is designed to present in a comprehensive yet streamlined fashion the law of Wills, Trusts, and Future Interests to 21st–century law students. It assists the student in developing an understanding of the core legal concepts critical to a grasp of wills, trusts and future interests in a novel format that is clear and easy to understand, while maintaining the intellectual rigor of the subject. The book covers the standard topics, but is organized in an innovative fashion. It begins with an estate planning problem which introduces the student to the craft of the practitioner, providing context for the introduction of substantive law. It then presents the law of wills law by reference to the law governing the testator, the document and the property. Attention is given to non-probate transfers, and in particular, the law of trusts, private and charitable. A simple will, model trust instrument and a pourover will is provided. These documents can be introduced in Chapter 2 – in a general discussion of estate planning – or can be used in Chapter 3 and Chapter 8 when the substantive discussion focuses on wills and then trusts. The book concludes with a comprehensive look at future interests and the rule against perpetuities. As with other books in the Interactive Casebook Series, it challenges students to think about issues raised by the cases as they are considered in the opinion through the use of text boxes. The accompanying electronic version allows students immediate access to the full text of cited cases, statutes, articles, and other relevant materials.
July 19, 2023 in Books - For the Classroom | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, July 6, 2023
Teaching Materials on Estate Planning, 5th Edition
The Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog team would like to announce that a new edition of the Teaching Materials on Estate Planning by Gerry W. Beyer (Texas Tech University School of Law) will be published in the West Academic Publishing American Casebook Series this month and available for Fall 2023. Please see more information below on the 5th Edition of Teaching Materials on Estate Planing.
Kathryn Nail
Blog Assistant
This law school casebook provides a comprehensive review of the estate planning process. It is easily adaptable to two and three-credit courses and seminars. The new edition retains the basic structure of the prior edition with significant updates to reflect recent developments in law and practice. Part One focuses on the substantive law applicable to estate planning, while Part Two concentrates on estate planning practice itself. Extensive researching and drafting exercises are included to hone the student’s practical skills. Most of the material is self-explanatory and thus the professor may reserve class time for more difficult topics, areas that merit special attention, and concerns raised by local law.
July 6, 2023 in Books, Books - For the Classroom, Estate Planning - Generally | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, April 6, 2023
Second Edition of Stake’s Trusts and Estates Now Available
West Academic Publishing recently released Trusts and Estates, 2nd Edition by Jeffrey Evans Stake, Indiana University Maurer School of Law. Here is the publisher's description of the book:
Stake’s Trusts and Estates is designed to be a teacher-friendly casebook for a basic course in trusts and estates. What is teacher friendly about it? First the book is not a hornbook or treatise and does not require the teacher to remember a lot of note material that is unimportant to teaching basic principles. It also includes portions of the UPC in the book rather than requiring another book for statutory materials, which is student-friendly as well. Second, it raises policy questions that students find interesting because the questions engage them as if they will be in a position to influence their state’s law on trusts and estates. Concerning social policy, this casebook does not assume that the goal of following the decedent's intent overrides other fairness concerns or efficiency. Third, it presents examples and problems that can be used to dig into the rules or can be ignored as the teacher sees fit. Fourth, the cases are interesting as stories of what can go wrong in families and what can go wrong in trust and estate practice. Stake's book can be covered in a 3-hour course or, by closer analysis of cases and problems, expanded to fill a 4-hour course. Fifth and finally, an extensive set of 1000 PowerPoint slides is available to casebook adopters. Most of the slides are only text, but a few of the slides include graphics or suggestions for audio or video clips that fit with the material.
April 6, 2023 in Books - For the Classroom | Permalink | Comments (0)
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Hirsch & McGovern, California Probate Code Annotated (2023 edition) released
Here is the publisher's description of the newest book by Adam J Hirsch and William M. McGovern, Jr.:
Hirsch & McGovern California Probate Code Annotated, 2023 ed. (California Desktop Codes) is your comprehensive resource for probate law and estate planning in California. It provides you with the complete text of the California Probate Code, related state and federal statutes, and rules of court regarding estate planning and probate.
This volume contains:
- Authoritative commentary, annotations, and analysis of leading cases
- Law Revision Commission editorial notes that provide additional guidance in the construction and application of particular sections
- References to Witkin’s Summary of California Law, 10th which direct you toward further research
- A table of Judicial Council forms to help you identify forms to be used in conjunction with the statutes and rules
- A table of cases illustrating the cases discussed in the author’s commentary
- A table of affected sections indicating recent modifications
- Underlining to indicate additions or changes in statutes
- Asterisks to indicate deletions
February 15, 2023 in Books - For Practitioners, Books - For the Classroom | Permalink | Comments (0)
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Wills, Trusts, and Estates: A Contemporary Approach, 2nd Edition to be released in May
The following is from a West Academic announcement:
February 11, 2023 in Books - For the Classroom | Permalink | Comments (0)
Monday, January 30, 2023
Selected Statutes on Trusts and Estates -- New Edition Available
Mark L. Ascher and Grayson M.P. McCouch recently published the 2023 edition of their Selected Statutes on Trusts and Estates. Here is the publisher's description of the book:
This casebook statutory supplement meets the needs of students in basic and advanced courses on wills, trusts, decedents' estates, fiduciary administration, and future interests, providing a compendium of essential uniform act provisions and official comments. It covers a wide range of topics, including: intestacy; wills; probate administration; nonprobate transfers; disclaimers; principal and income; prudent investments; perpetuities; trusts (including trust decanting and directed trusts); powers of appointment; and powers of attorney.
January 30, 2023 in Books - For the Classroom | Permalink | Comments (0)
Friday, November 1, 2019
Book on Wills, Trusts, and Estates: A Contemporary Approach
Lloyd Bonfield, Joanna L. Grossman, and William P. LaPiana recently published a Book entitled, Wills, Trusts, and Estates: A Contemporary Approach, West Academic (2019). Provided below is a summary of the book.
This casebook is designed to present in a comprehensive yet streamlined fashion the law of Wills, Trusts, and Future Interests to 21st–century law students. It assists the student in developing an understanding of the core legal concepts critical to a grasp of wills, trusts and future interests in a novel format that is clear and easy to understand, while maintaining the intellectual rigor of the subject. The book covers the standard topics, but is organized in an innovative fashion. It begins with an estate planning problem which introduces the student to the craft of the practitioner, providing context for the introduction of substantive law. It then presents the law of wills law by reference to the law governing the testator, the document and the property. Attention is given to non-probate transfers, and in particular, the law of trusts, private and charitable. A model trust instrument is also provided. It concludes with a comprehensive look at future interests and the rule against perpetuities. As with other books in the Interactive Casebook Series, it challenges students to think about issues raised by the cases as they are considered in the opinion through the use of text boxes. The accompanying electronic version allows students immediate access to the full text of cited cases, statutes, articles, and other relevant materials.
November 1, 2019 in Books, Books - For the Classroom, Estate Administration, Estate Planning - Generally, New Cases, New Legislation, Trusts, Wills | Permalink | Comments (0)
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Book on Texas Estate Planning Statutes with Commentary: 2019-2021 Edition
Gerry W. Beyer recently published a book entitled, Texas Estate Planning Statutes with Commentary: 2019-2021 Edition, (2019). Provided below is a summary of the book.
Texas Estate Planning Statutes with Commentary: 2019-2021 Edition is a compilation of Texas statutes that are significant to law school and paralegal courses related to estate planning, such as wills and estates, trusts, estate administration, probate, elder law, and guardianship. Changes made by the 2019 Texas Legislature are printed in red-lined format to make the revisions easy for the reader to locate. Many sections include carefully written commentary entitled Statutes in Context. These annotations provide background information, explanations, examples, and citations to key cases, which will assist the reader in identifying the significance of the statutes and how they operate.
August 4, 2019 in Books, Books - For Practitioners, Books - For the Classroom, Current Affairs, Estate Administration, Estate Planning - Generally, Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax, Gift Tax, Intestate Succession, New Legislation, Trusts, Wills | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Book on Cases and Materials on Gratuitous Transfers, Wills, Trusts, Gifts, Future Interests, and Taxation
Mark L. Asher and Grayson MP McCouch recently published a Book entitled, Cases and Materials on Gratuitous Transfers, Wills, Trusts, Gifts, Future Interests, and Taxation (West Academic Publishing, 7th ed., 2018). Provided below is a brief summary of the book.
The new edition of Gratuitous Transfers incorporates developments in the law of wills, trusts and estates since 2013, including a new principal case involving beneficiary consent to trust accounting. The text also includes references to case law and literature relating to same-sex marriage, revocation by divorce, reformation of wills, directed trusts, trust decanting, and fiduciary access to digital assets, as well as statutory references to recent amendments to the Uniform Probate Code and Uniform Trust Code. The coverage has been thoroughly updated while maintaining continuity of organization and general approach with previous editions.
October 11, 2018 in Books, Books - For Practitioners, Books - For the Classroom, Estate Administration, Estate Planning - Generally, Estate Tax, Intestate Succession, Trusts, Wills | Permalink | Comments (0)
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Book on Estates, Future Interests and Powers of Appointment in a Nutshell
Thomas P. Gallanis published a book entitled, Estates, Future Interests and Powers of Appointment in a Nutshell (West Academic Publishing, 6th ed., 2018). Provided below is a description of the book:
This comprehensive guide provides an overview of the rules and principles of estates and future interests, including concurrent estates, marital estates (including the modern elective share), and powers of appointment. It includes new innovations from the Restatement 3d of Property, modernizing the law of future interests and dramatically changing the Rule Against Perpetuities. With respect to powers of appointment, the book incorporates the clarifications and modernizations of the law in the Restatement 3d of Property and the Uniform Powers of Appointment Act (2013, with subsequent amendments). The book also has exercises, with answers at the back. Valuable for students in first-year Property and upper-year courses in Trusts and Estates.
July 19, 2018 in Books, Books - For the Classroom, Estate Administration, Estate Planning - Generally, Teaching | Permalink | Comments (0)