Wednesday, January 4, 2023
ACTEC Call for Papers: Alternative and Critical Perspectives on Trusts and Estates
The American College of Trust and Estate Counsel announces a Call for Papers with a focus on alternative and critical approaches to trust and estate practice and scholarship. This special issue of the ACTEC Law Journal will be devoted to the intersection of the law of succession—broadly defined—with gender, race, class, age, and inequality, as well as with other areas of the law. The law of wills, trusts, and intestacy is more important than ever in a time of increasing wealth inequality and cultural division. Potential papers could take many forms, ranging from empirical work to literature to comparative law to doctrinal analysis to suggestions for reform. This issue will be comprised of shorter articles (2500-5000 words). Topics may include developments in tax law, adaptations in legal technology, racial justice and diversity, new or impending statutory reform, remote or electronic estate planning documents, the funeral and death industry, and other topics that demonstrate the way in which the trust and estate landscape is shifting. Procedure for Submissions: Authors wishing to contribute to this special volume should email a brief proposal with estimated word count to: Professor Naomi Cahn, Editor, ACTEC Law Journal, at [email protected]. Please include “ACTEC Theme Volume” in the subject line of your e-mail. Deadline to Submit Proposals: Wednesday, March 22, 2023 Selected articles will be published in the ACTEC Law Journal, Volume 49, Issue 1, with an anticipated publication date of December 2023. Final articles will be due by August 1, 2023. |