Thursday, May 6, 2021
How Should We Celebrate Elder Law Month?
With Covid-19 still lingering, elders are still subject to risk, creating a strong sense of urgency for those at risk to engage in elder law planning. "May is National Elder Law Month which allows the opportunity to educate seniors in local communities about their legal options and places an emphasis on the importance of planning early to ensure their wishes are in a legally binding format."
One way we could help in celebrating elder law month is to communicate with the seniors in our lives by encouraging them and helping them create a plan to "protect their independence and assets." These conversations could be with loved ones, CPAs, financial advisors, attorneys, etc.
It is important that a plan is carried out that best embodies the client's wishes, and not the State's or anyone else's for that matter.
Estate planning attorney, Amanda Afton Martin, recently sat down with Julie Holton where they discussed a range of estate planning topics including:
Estate Planning and Long-Term Care Planning
- Who should be involved?
- How may we ensure the client’s wishes are implemented?
- How can early planning avoid court intervention?
- Medicaid Planning
- What is it?
- When should it begin?
Impact of COVID-19 on Seniors
What is undue influence and what factors increase its likelihood?
How can we protect against undue influence?
See How Should We Celebrate Elder Law Month?,, May 3, 2021.
Special thanks to Jim Hillhouse (Professional Legal Marketing (PLM, Inc.)) for bringing this article to my attention.