Wills, Trusts & Estates Prof Blog

Editor: Gerry W. Beyer
Texas Tech Univ. School of Law

Sunday, February 10, 2019

CLE on Digital Assets in Estate Administration

CLEThe National Business Institute is holding an auto webinar entitled Digital Assets in Estate Administration, on Monday, March 25, 2019, from 12:00 PM - 3:15 PM Central. Provided below is a description of the event.

Processes, Procedures and Legal Pitfalls
As our online lives continue expanding exponentially, your clients accumulate more and more digital assets. Some of these assets add significant financial value to the estate, some have purely sentimental value to the heirs, but all can easily slip through the cracks without the proper knowledge. Make sure the digital life your client spent so many years compiling is left to loved ones instead of being lost in cyberspace forever - register today!
Learn how to correctly incorporate digital assets into your client's estate plan, such as electronic tax returns, E-bank accounts and PayPal accounts.
Explore the ins and outs of the Terms of Service agreements you'll need to understand to gain access to the clients' data.
Understand which digital assets are often lost at death - online bank accounts, emails, domain names, etc.
Get practical tips for retrieving online information if no provisions have been made to transfer access.

Who Should Attend
This legal program is designed for attorneys looking to increase their knowledge of probate and estate planning. It will also benefit accountants and paralegals.

Course Content
Online Assets and Information at Issue
Post-Mortem Searches and Account Access
Digital Assets with Monetary Value in Estate Administration
Business Digital Assets in Estate Administration
Lessons From States Adopting Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act


Conferences & CLE, Estate Administration, Estate Planning - Generally, Technology, Web/Tech | Permalink


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