Wednesday, November 11, 2015
How To Resolve Dispute Over Power Of Attorney
There are some circumstances where a conflict between a medical power of attorney (POA) and a financial POA might occur. This column discusses a situation where an elderly parent's two children, one the medical POA and the other the financial POA, had a disagreement. The medical POA wanted medical care for their elderly parent but the financial POA would not release the assets needed to pay for that care. It is important to first look at the POA documents themselves to see if they spell out a system for resolving these types of disputes. If the documents do not provide the answer then the disputing parties could try to solve their issue themselves or attempt to settle it through mediation. The final step would be to have the probate court resolve the issue, but considering the court costs and time that would be involved relying on probate to resolve such a dispute should be a last resort.
See How Do I Resolve a Conflict Between a Financial POA and a Medical POA?, Elder Law Answers, November 11, 2015.