Monday, June 30, 2014
Last Chance to Register for CLE on Trust Income Taxation
The American Law Institute Continuing Legal Education (ALI CLE) is presenting a CLE entitled, Trust Income Taxation: Navigating the changing State Landscape, Today June 30, 2014, 2:00 – 3:30pm, online and by phone. Here is why you should attend:
The rules governing the state income taxation of trusts are rapidly evolving. Recent cases have challenged the validity of the taxation of trusts in a variety of states. Trustees, beneficiaries, and their advisors need to stay current with respect to these changes.
Register today and hear our faculty examine significant recent decisions, explore the state law landscape, and share practical guidance on many topics including:
- why trusts are difficult to “tax” locate
- tax haven and quasi tax haven states
- identifying states with tax statutes vulnerable to constitutional challenges
- general state law landscape regarding the taxation of trusts