Thursday, February 8, 2007
Another Bequest/Inheritance E-Mail Scam
E-mail scams promising large inheritances or bequests are very common and have been discussed before on this blog.
Here is one provided through the courtesy of one of the readers of this blog, Mark Coultis:
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr. Reinhard Hermann, I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter returned undelivered. I hereby attempt to reach you again by this same email address on the WILL. I wish to notify you that Late Engr. Reinhard Hermann made you a beneficiary to his WILL. He left the sum of seven million five hundred thousand United States Dollars ($7,500.000.00 USD) to you in the codicil and last testament to his WILL.
Please if I reach you this time as I am hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job. I hope to hear from you in no distant time through the email address below.
Email: [email protected]
Sincerely yours,
I have a family member getting ready to be taken by one of these scams. How can I prove to mthe that this is just someone trying to take their money? How can I show prof that this is just a hox? Please give me some assistance, my family member can't afford to fall for this scam.
Posted by: Dewayne TT | Feb 25, 2007 6:03:42 PM
I have received one and i have to say they had me thinking about it a lot because it doesn't seem like a regular scam. What are they after? i don't have any assets in my name. How can they profit from people falling for it?
Posted by: juan | Mar 2, 2007 9:43:56 AM
I have given them two of my addresses, one of them is my current address and the other was a former residence. What can I do to protect myself from further actions from these people? Do I also have to worry about identity theft? I did not give them phone numbers or anything other information.
Posted by: Carol | Mar 8, 2007 5:01:17 PM
Wow. It's comforting to know that for all of the scams on the internet, I am able to receive wisdom on how to avoid being scammed with a simple click of a button. I, too, received this email tonight. Funny thing is, I've worked abroad with the Doctors without Borders in France and Oxfam in England, as well as have met several rich humanitarians along the way. I am so relieved that I found this before I revealed one speck of personal information. Thank you so much. Does anybody know what they're after?
-marie p.
Posted by: mary | Mar 14, 2007 12:08:35 AM
Here is the one I got today March 14 2007.. It about how to legally get illegal money Or how to legally transfer funds internationally for benifit of somebody you do not even know. And obtain a legal commission using a Fraud check.
Barristers' Chambers:
Address:33 Bedford Row
London WC1R 4JH, England
Attention: My Beloved Friend
We want to acknowledge the receipt of your email in this chamber and also want you to know that you have absolute right to reject this WILL as much as you have the right to accept it as well. If you wish to turn it down then let me know so I can send you a WILL rejection form to fill and revert back to this office. I am not going to impose it on you but just doing my job here.
I can imagine that the late Engr. Jürgen Krügger must have known that you will put the money to good use for the less privileged of which he was aware that you can achieve, that is why he selected you. Also, understand that I don't know you neither have I met you before, but my contacting you is based on the recommendation of late Engr. Jürgen Krügger.
Be further informed that these funds will not be released to you without some proper identification. I have never met you before like I said and to be able to carry out our duties effectively as sole executors of the WILL of late Engr. Jürgen Krügger, We must be convinced that you are who the testament says you are.
And please re-confirm to us through the above stated via email; your full contact details to include your full name and address telephone and fax number(if any) and if you have moved to a new address then indicate both the new and old one for my verification with what I have in my file. Any difference or discrepancies in the information provided by you will mean that I am contacting the wrong person
and I will stop all communication with you out rightly.
Your information would be taken to the probate division of the International Court of Justice for verification. After the confirmation, the probate division would now release your letter of administration for claims to this bequest/funds. This document as well as the Certificate of Deposit issued by the Security Deposit Bank to Engr. Jürgen Krügger when the funds were deposited by him will then be released
to you; this will give you the legal backing to receiving these funds.
We sincerely hope that the above requirement be sent to us sooner that later for us to proceed with the documentation. And note that we cannot send any document to you until we are fully convinced that we have the true beneficiary. And note that we have a period of (14) working days to conclude this so I can move on to the
next beneficiary on the WILL of my late client.
Note: We are not demanding any money of form of payment from you for service, we have been fully paid by my late client and all we need is to comply with our directives to make sure your funds is fully transferred.
Congratulations in advance. For move information you can call me on. Ph. +44-701-113-0253
Please contact me via My private email: [email protected]
Yours Faithfully,
Barrister . T. Williams
Ph. +44-701-113-0253
(Head of Chambers.)
PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh.Esq Markus Wolfgang, Mr. John Marvey Esq, Mr. Jerry Smith Esq
Posted by: Rajendra Jagad | Mar 14, 2007 7:42:01 AM
I thought this was probably a scam but went along with it to see where it went. I finally replied to this individual that I had put the whole thing in the hands of MY lawyer and my son who has been in law enforcement. I have not heard from him again.YET
Posted by: Priscilla | Mar 14, 2007 11:11:28 AM
I received this a version of this scam-mail today. At least its creator took the trouble to find a legitimate place of business and got the name of the allegedly deceased from a genealogy site on the web. Fortunately, it seems to be the case that there is no such animal as an e-mail scammer with decent grammar and punctuation skills.
Posted by: Tod J. | Mar 15, 2007 11:11:56 AM
"I received these emails over a period of a week... I am concerned with a person in such a high office, has no grammatical knowledge. Very illiterate".
I am trying to establish by process of verification if You are connected to Late Engr. Lurther Schultz,this can only be done when We have received your details.
Thanlks and have a good day.
Yours Faithfully,
Tel:+44 703 184 8799
+44 701 114 0612)
Fax:+44 7075 055 630)
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr. Lurther Schultz, I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter returned undelivered.
I hereby attempt to reach you again by this same email address on the WILL.
I wish to notify you that Late Engr.Lurther Schultz made you a beneficiary to his WILL.
This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being a widely traveled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or simply you were recommended to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who wished you good.
Engr.Lurther Schultz until his death was a member of the Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers. He had a very good heart and was a philanthropist. His great philanthropy earned him numerous awards during his life time. Late Engr.
Lurther Schultz died on the 13th day of December, 2004 at the age of 80 years, and his WILL is now ready for execution.According to him this money is to support your humanitarian activities and to help the poor and the needy in our society.
Please if I reach you this time as I am hopeful,endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude my job.
I hope to hear from you in no distant time through the email address below.
Email: [email protected]
Sincerely yours,
Barr. Ronald Baker (ESQ).
We acknowledge the receipt of your email in this chamber and also want you to know that you have absolute right to reject this WILL as much as you have the right to accept it. If you wish to turn it down then let me know so I can send you a WILL rejection form to fill and revert to this office. I am not going to impose it on you but just doing my job here.
Be further informed that Late Engr. Lurther Schultz left the sum of $14,500,000 USD (Fourteen Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars) bequeathed to you and your bequeathed funds will not be released to you without some proper identification and scrutiny.
Hence please re-confirm to us through fax or via email; your full contact details to include your full name and address, telephone and fax number (if any)and if you have moved to a new address then indicate both the new and old one for my verification with what I have in my file.
Any difference or discrepancies in the information provided by you will mean that I am contacting the wrong person and I will stop all communication with you outrightly.
Your information would be taken to the probate division of the International Court of Justice for verification. After the confirmation, the probate division would now release your letter of
administration for claims to these bequest/funds.
This document as well as the Certificate of Deposit issued by the Security Deposit Bank to Late Engr.Lurther Schultz when the funds were deposited by him will then be released to you; this will give you the legal backing to receiving these funds.
We sincerely hope that the above requirement be sent to us soon so we can proceed with the documentation.
And note that we cannot send any document to you until we are fully convinced that we have the true beneficiary.
Thank you for your anticipated co-operation .
Yours Faithfully,
Tel:+44 703 184 8799
+44 701 114 0612)
Fax:+44 7075 055 630)
Posted by: Ucina | Mar 23, 2007 7:55:33 AM
well, I too received email regarding mr. hermann from rg baker.
spent 829 $ wired to national bank of greece after confering with maria alexandra at "bank" to pay a tax on the "bequest" to get it released.
wired the money to steven rolland martins a financial officer at the bank after I received a phone call from one Dr. Richard Williams assuring me of my release of funds.
all of the above mentioned folks were contacted through their email at their name at
After they received the 829 (I figured it was what I would have lost in vegas) I have been notified that their "holding" bank requires what is about 10,000 dollars for a certificate of legality and that the funds(which had been released 5 days earlier)were stuck in channels until the amount was paid to the bank in greece.
When I requested the explainations, I received several reassuances but no answers to specific questions. After about a week of not communcating with them I received an email from the bank saying they were under a deadline and needed the funds immediately for release of funds certificate of legality (which they say is required since 9-11 for large sums transfering into US) I have all the continuing documents you folks don't have, but the fun has gone out of this as I realize from your blogs that this is bigger than just a few hundred dollars that i can afford to gamble with. By the way, my return was about what I get in Vegas...nothing.
I assume that I would get another "snag" after this one. More money etc.
Posted by: gwendolyn k ottria | Mar 25, 2007 12:53:35 AM
I was almost taken for a sum of money by one of these scams....
Posted by: Anastasia | Mar 28, 2007 7:56:04 AM
I am in the process of this scam. They haven't asked for any money yet. I'll let you know what happens.
Posted by: Dean W. Stenberg | Apr 2, 2007 12:54:56 AM
Thank you for this imformation, I am so glad I am not the only person to be impressed with this type of scam. But now I am fully aware.
Posted by: Serena Jacobs | Apr 2, 2007 1:24:25 AM
I get these emails all the time. If they all were true I bet I would have inherited/won/investment returned over a billion dollars so far. These scams work by 'convincing' you of their legitimacy, then by having you pay some sort of 'fee' to get the money. You get an email and give them your personal information. Then a professional sounding 'attorney' or 'bank person' calls you, telling you that to transfer money you gotta either pay taxes or fees, like Ucina said. They 'provide' you with the bank's numbers to call, usually saying it's their 'personal friend at the bank', so you're probably calling the same person's other cell phone where they become the 'bank person'. You get the picture. These scams have been goin on over the phone for years and now have been reborn into the email realm. The best way to bust these is to RESEARCH. If they give you a bank's number, call directory assistance. Even use the internet but beware, as it's so easy to create a fake website to reenforce false information. Most importantly remember two pieces of advice (Thanks Mom and Dad) 1. If it's too good to be true, it is! 2. There ain't no such thing as easy money. Oh and watch THE FLIM FLAM MAN (1967)
Posted by: Matt G | Apr 9, 2007 6:39:12 PM
I got one better for you guys. I actually fell for it and got this person to call me!! He called me at 3am then again at 6:30am EST (I live in Pennsylvania US). Anyway I spoke with him on the phone and that really had me going! Thank goodness something told me to Google his name and this came up. I was really looking for some help because I'm a single mom just looking for a miracle. here's what he sent to me...
Dear Nichole Shelton,
Hope all is well with you and yours.I have been trying to reach you on phone but all to no avail.Due to our phone conversation the other day, i expected you to send me your details to enable me secure necessary documents on your behalf to make application with the bank.Right now the bank is waiting for me to send your details so that they can release the money for you.
Below are the details which i required from you to prepare the documents.
Kindly send me the details so that we can proceed.
The phone number you provided seems to be your home phone can you provide me your personal cell number to enable me get in touch anytime.You can reach me on phone:+44-701-421-9292
I await your details soon.
Barr.Ronald Baker.
Posted by: Nicole Shelton | May 10, 2007 12:47:32 PM
this is a similar email i was sent by david smith esq and principal partners barrister aidan walsh .esq markus wolfgang,and mr john marvey esq,and mr jerry smith esq but the dead persons name was engr jurge krugger!!! how sinistar can people get
Posted by: david ngawaka | Jul 10, 2007 10:16:12 PM
How can we stop the fraud ?
Is there a way to eliminate me receiving notices of 12 inheritances per month ?
Posted by: Lee | Aug 23, 2007 6:14:27 PM
I received an email from George Baker in regards to the inheritance of a Engr. Luther Heilemann. Everything looks legal. They even sent me a copy of a death certificate. I have received about 4 e-mails from them. They talk about taking it to the High court of Justice then probate and even posting a 24 hour notice for the public. They have not asked for any money. What could they hope to gain?
Posted by: Anita | Aug 28, 2007 10:09:25 AM
And yes, I almost got caught up in it too, but thanks for your blogs, I only answered the first email and did not give out any information. Thank you everyone!!!
FROM THE DESK OF : Barr. George Baker
G. Baker & Solicitors
Date: 5th September, 2007.
Attn: Lavonne,
We acknowledge the receipt of your email in this chamber and also
want you to know that you have absolute right to reject this WILL
as much as you have the right to accept it as well. If you wish to turn
it down then let me know so I can send you a WILL rejection form to
fill and revert to this office. I am not going to impose it on you
but just doing my job here.I can imagine that the Late Engr.Luther Heilemann
must have known that you will put the money to good use for the less
privileged of which he was aware that you can achieve, that is why
he selected you. Also, understand that I don't know you neither have
I met you before, but my contacting you is based on the recommendation of
late Engr.Luther Heilemann.
Be further informed that these funds will not be released to you
without some proper identification. I have never met you before
like I said and to be able to carry out our duties effectively as
sole executors of the WILL of Late Engr.Luther Heilemann,
We must be convinced that you are who the testament says
you are. Hence please re-confirm to us through fax or via email;
your full contact details to include your full name and address,
telephone and fax number (if any) and if you have moved to a new
address then indicate both the new and old one for my verification
with what I have in my file. Any difference or discrepancies in the
information provided by you will mean that I am contacting the wrong
person and I will stop all communication with you outrightly.
Your information would be taken to the probate division of the
International Court of Justice for verification. After the confirmation,
the probate division would now release your letter of administration
for claims to these bequest/funds. This document as well as the
Certificate of Deposit issued by the Security Deposit Bank to
Engr.Luther Heilemann when the funds were deposited by him will then
be released to you; this will give you the legal backing to receiving
these funds.We sincerely hope that the above requirement be sent to us soon
so we can proceed with the documentation. And note that we cannot
send any document to you until we are fully convinced that we have the
true beneficiary. Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.
Yours Faithfully,
George Baker(Esq)
Fax: +(44) 870 130 9820
Tel: +(44) 701 423 6567
+(44) 703 194 3080
P.S We have limited period to conclude this so I can move on to the next beneficiary on the WILL of my late client
Posted by: lavonne B | Sep 5, 2007 8:56:02 AM
I had recieved this e-mail from a John Cole and one exactly like it from a Gary Smith.
Please, kindly take your time to understand the content of this email.
I wish to introduce you to a project that would be of immense benefit to both of us.
Being an executor of wills, it is possible that we may be tempted to make fortune
out of our client's situations, when we cannot help it, or left with no better
The issue I am presenting to you is a case of my client who willed a fortune to his
next-of-kin. It was most unfortunate that he and his next-of-kin died on the same
day in an auto-crash. I am now faced with indecision about who to pass the fortune
to. According to the English law, the fortune is supposed to be queathed to the
However, I don't belong to that school of thought which proposes that the fortune of
unlucky people be given to the government. I therefore seek for your assistance in
presenting you as next of Kin to the deceaced being that you share the same last
name with the deceased.
Please give your response to this email via return email. I will reveal other
details upon your response to this email and as soon as we establish correspondance.
Reward is negotiable.
Yours in ServiceJOHN COLE Esq.Financial Attorney [email protected]
Did anyone recieve one like this?
Posted by: Ashlee | Sep 7, 2007 9:26:24 AM
Here is another rich dead guy they are sending out emails on. Can't anyone find these scam artists and hang 'em?
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late Engr.Jürge
Krügger. I once again try to notify you as my earlier letter was returned
undelivered. I wish to notify you that late Engr. Jürge Krügger made you a
beneficiary to his WILL. He left the sum of Thirty Million, One Hundred
Thousand Dollars (USD$30,100.000.00) to you in the Codicil and last testament
to his WILL.
This may sound strange and unbelievable to you, but it is real and true. Being
a widely traveled man, he must have been in contact with you in the past or
simply you were nominated to him by one of his numerous friends abroad who
wished you good. Engr. Jürge Krügger until his death was a member of the
Helicopter Society and the Institute of Electronic & Electrical Engineers.
According to him this money is to support your humanitarian activities and to
help the poor and the needy in our society. Please if I reach you as I am
hopeful, endeavor to get back to me as soon as possible to enable me conclude
my job. I hope to hear from you in no distant time. Note: You are advise to
contact me with my personal email address: [email protected]
I await your prompt response.
Yours in Service,
PRINCIPAL PARTNERS: Barrister Aidan Walsh.Esq Markus Wolfgang, Mr. John Marvey
Esq, Mr. Jerry Smith Esq
Posted by: Cristine | Sep 8, 2007 6:01:17 PM
Posted by: George Outlaw | Sep 19, 2007 8:05:45 AM
On 9/17/2007 I was emailed by what seemes to be the same person or persons asking for the same information, old address and everthing. What seems to seperate me from the rest is that they sent me a copy of his death cert. witch if Im not wrong is a crime in its self.They also gave me an international Phone and fax number to contact them.Sence I gave them my old address and current address I am not sure if I should worry
Posted by: jason holderness | Sep 20, 2007 3:07:53 PM
Good morning to all!
I got an e-mail from this Baker dude this morning telling me about my inheritance. He even went as far to say that maybe Luther Heilemann and I must of meet in the past, because he was a wide traveling man and he made me a beneficiary because of my humanitarian ways. Well, needless to say this dude is a little late, I got an e-mail similiar about two week ago. From someone saying that they had throat cancer and wanted me to distribute this money to charities here in the United States. They wanted to make sure that I was a chrisitian and trustworthy person. He wanted me to call his attorney and MAKE myself the beneficiary. I knew that was a no no! Well, when I spoke about identify theft, and how I was in the middle of a case with the bank and when I asked for authentic papers so I could let my attorney view the papers, I never heard from him again.
Sometimes our own situation can cause us to be blind to scammers. You must ask yourself question before falling for the Okee doke. If you think about what you've done, where you've been, and who you've meet in the past years then you will realize it just a game. Don't let the large $$$$$$$ fool ya!
Posted by: D Parker | Sep 27, 2007 6:24:08 AM
RONNY MOVED, Engr.Reinhard Hermann IS WORTH MORE:
101 New Bridge Street
London EC4V 6JA England.
On behalf of the Trustees and Executor of the estate of Late
Engr.Reinhard Hermann; I once again try to notify you as my
earlier letter returned undelivered. Late Engr.Reinhard Hermann left
the sum of Thirteen Million
Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($13,500.000.00) to you in the codicil
and last testament to his WILL.
This may sound unbelievable to you, but it is true. He must have been
in contact with you in the past or you were
recommended to him by one of his numerous friends who wished you good.
He was a member of numerous organisations.
His great philanthropy earned him numerous awards during his life time.
Engr.Reinhard died on the 13th day of December,
2004 at the age of 80 years, and his WILL is ready for execution.
According to him this money is to support humanitarian
activities and the poor in our society. If I reach you this time,
endeavor to get back to me ASAP through the email
address below to enable me conclude my job.
Email: [email protected]
Yours in Service,
and then wanted more info in his reply:
FROM THE DESK OF : Barr. Ronald Baker
R.G. Baker & Solicitors
Attn: Michael
15th February, 2007.
We acknowledge the receipt of your email in this chamber and also
want you to know that you have absolute right to reject this WILL
as much as you have the right to accept it as well. If you wish to turn
it down then let me know so I can send you a WILL rejection form to
fill and revert to this office. I am not going to impose it on you
but just doing my job here.
I can imagine that the Late Engr. Reinhard Hermann must have known
that you will put the money to good use for the less privileged of
which he was aware that you can achieve, that is why he selected
you. Also, understand that I don't know you neither have I met you
before, but my contacting you is based on the recommendation of
late Engr. Reinhard Hermann.
Be further informed that these funds will not be released to you
without some proper identification. I have never met you before
like I said and to be able to carry out our duties effectively as
sole executors of the WILL of Late Engr. Reinhard Hermann,
We must be convinced that you are who the testament says
you are. Hence please re-confirm to us through fax or via email;
your full contact details to include your full name and address,
telephone and fax number (if any) and if you have moved to a new
address then indicate both the new and old one for my verification
with what I have in my file. Any difference or discrepancies in the
information provided by you will mean that I am contacting the wrong
person and I will stop all communication with you outrightly.
Your information would be taken to the probate division of the
International Court of Justice for verification. After the confirmation,
the probate division would now release your letter of administration
for claims to these bequest/funds. This document as well as the
Certificate of Deposit issued by the Security Deposit Bank to
Engr. Reinhard Hermann when the funds were deposited by him will then
be released to you; this will give you the legal backing to receiving
these funds.We sincerely hope that the above requirement be sent to us soon
so we can proceed with the documentation. And note that we cannot
send any document to you until we are fully convinced that we have the
true beneficiary.
Thank you for your anticipated co-operation.
Yours Faithfully,
Ronald Baker(Esq)
Fax: +448701309820
Posted by: Michael | Feb 16, 2007 9:10:39 AM