TortsProf Blog

Editor: Christopher J. Robinette
Southwestern Law School

Monday, March 7, 2022

Engstrom and Smith Designated Reporter's Chairs by ALI

The ALI has designated Nora Freeman Engstrom, Reporter for the Restatement (Third) of Torts:  Concluding Provisions, as the R. Ammi Cutter Reporter's Chair.  Reporter's Chairs are awarded at the ALI to Reporters of proven effectiveness and are a mark of outstanding service.  Engstrom shares the reporting duties on Concluding Provisions with Mike Green, who received the Cutter Chair for his work on a prior part of the Restatement.

Additionally, the ALI designated Henry Smith the A. James Casner Reporter's Chair.  Smith is the Reporter for the Restatement (Fourth) of Property.  There is a tort tie here, as the property torts were included in the Restatement (Fourth) of Property.  John Goldberg acts as an Associate Reporter with a focus on tort law.

The announcement is here.

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