TortsProf Blog

Editor: Christopher J. Robinette
Southwestern Law School

Monday, September 24, 2012

Colorado Movie Shootings Lawsuits Begin

Three victims of the Colorado shootings last summer during the premier of "Dark Knight" have filed suit in federal district court against the theater owner.  The suit alleges that the company was negligent in providing security at the theater.  CNN has the story.


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The first lawsuit was filed back in July by a man who did not suffer a physical injury. His claim is based on the fact that his best friend was shot in the chest and died. In other words, the claim is for the fear the plaintiff suffered himself and for the emotional distress at witnessing someone else suffer a physical injury. See here: and here: I do confess that I have not followed-up on what happened to that claim since, though...

Posted by: Prof. Alberto Bernabe | Sep 24, 2012 6:39:03 AM

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