Friday, October 1, 2010
Personal Injury Law Roundup No. 82 - Oct. 1, 2010
Autumn has hit in New England. Snow and the slip-and-fall cases are no doubt close behind. This week's roundup:
New Cases
- In not-at-all-surprising news, plaintiffs to seek punitive damages in salmonella cases ("Food Safety News" (note: that's a press release, not a news story)
- Victim of bullying sues school district, alleged bully's parents (
Policy & Politics
- Legislation considered to eliminate civil immunity for some government/military contractors (
Verdicts & Other Ends
- Iran ordered to pay punitive damages in bombing case (Daily Star)
- Interesting, if a little muddled, Massachusetts case on duty, involving a casual softball game next to a house (Mass SJC)
- Justice Scalia stays smoking cessation program (TortsProf)
- New York considers tort implications of cyberbullying (
- Supreme Court grants cert. on case involving class actions subsequent to dismissal of earlier actions (AP/Google)
Teaching Torts
- An informally open source casebook from Eric Johnson (North Dakota) (Prawfs and links therein)