Thursday, April 30, 2009
Personal Injury Roundup No. 34 (5/1/09)
I've got a couple more days until the exams roll in for grading, so I'm off to Brooklyn for the weekend. Here's a look at some of what happened this week in tort law.
Reform, Legislation, Policy
- CEO of Universal Health Services, a hospital management company, thinks med mal liability reform should be on the table [CNBC]
- Developments in Oklahoma liability changes [Insurance Journal] (don't confuse this story with the much more entertaining story about Oklahoma naming the Flaming Lips' "Do You Realize" the official state rock song)
New Lawsuits
- Andrew Speaker of TB fame/infamy sues the CDC, who is no doubt not at all busy right now. [TortsProf]
- No suits yet (that I know of), but hotel lawyers are thinking about swine flu carefully. [Hotel Law Blog]
- Included only for the title: "Calzone Victim Files New Lawsuit." Yes, it really is about a calzone, the delicious cheesy foodstuff. [News-Journal Online]
Trials, Settlements & Other Ends
- Wyeth v. Levine decision breaks logjam; lots of pharma trials coming. [Bloomberg]
- Another trial starting in chicken litter cases in northwest Arkansas. []
- Part of Arkansas tort reform measures struck down as unconstitutional. [Johnson v. Rockwell (PDF)]
- Suit over alleged overseas torture allowed to continue, rejecting "state secrets" defense. [Washington Post]
- Ron Miller asks for a link, I provide one. Plus, it's a good batch of links. [Maryland Lawyer Blog]
- Chris is looking for Prosser references in pop culture. I hope some hip hop artist somewhere has thrown in a Prosser line, perhaps rhyming with "bosser"? [TortsProf]
- Botox gets a black box in non-cosmetic use context, though patients getting the cosmetic use should be warned too (and, yes, there are Google ads for Botox Lawyer, and I bet this post will get some comment spam too). [WebMD]