TortsProf Blog

Editor: Christopher J. Robinette
Southwestern Law School

Friday, April 24, 2009

Personal Injury Roundup No. 33 (4/24/09)

As the semester winds down, tort law rolls on...

Reform, Legislation, Policy

  • Nevada Supreme Court, citing a large backlog, arranges for retired judges to help settle med mal cases.  (Las Vegas Business Press)
  • Provisions of a Colorado bill that would have eased caps on med mal damages are removed.  (Denver Business Journal
  • Nevada Assembly passes bill that would lift the cap for non-economic damages in med mal cases for gross negligence.  (Las Vegas Sun)
  • Public Citizen releases report ranking how state medical boards discipline physicians.  (Public Citizen, via The Pop Tort)
  • Tennessee bill to cap damages in nursing home cases appears dead.  (The Pop Tort)

Trials, Settlements & Other Ends

  • Trial judge upholds $416,500 jury award to former model in med mal case against her former doctor, who was treating her for depression when the two engaged in a sexual relationship.  The jury found plaintiff-former model to be 25% at fault.  (New York Law Journal, Newsday)
  • Libel suit against Sasha Baron Cohen and Da Ali G Show dismissed. (The AmLaw Daily)


  • Can podiatrists testify about causation for foot injuries?  The Virginia Supreme Court decided to hear the appeal this week.  (VLW Blog)


  • Beck & Hermann thoroughly analyze the trend in PA law regarding the divide between negligence and strict liability.  (Drug & Device Law)

Thanks to Sheila for content this week. 


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