Friday, October 31, 2008
Personal Injury Roundup No. 13 (10/31/08)
Happy Halloween to you all (I have a skeleton and Eleanor Roosevelt in my house), and please go vote. But only after reading this week's updates:
Reform, Legislation, Policy
- Asbestos litigation: the gift that keeps on giving [ALI-ABA]
- Not quite the right way to describe medians, ABA Journal (but still interesting data) [Point of Law]
- "Last push to deregulate" [Washington Post]
Experts & Science
- The "Evidence Gap," tied into medical devices [NYT]
New Lawsuits
- Family of man who died after vertebrae broken on Coney Island Cyclone sues; park's lawyers, a tad amazingly, purportedly acknowledge a malfunction that caused the ride to drop too fast -- something that is more or less impossible, at least from my understanding of the ride [TortsProf, Newsday, Brooklyn Eagle].
- Sen. Norm Coleman sues Al Franken for defamation over ads calling him "fourth most corrupt" senator and contending he lives "almost rent-free" in D.C. [Star Tribune]
- Challenger Kay Hagan sues Sen. Elizabeth Dole for defamation for ad tying her to atheism [AP]
Trials, Settlements & Other Ends
- Texas A&M settles 1999 bonfire tragedy litigation [TortsProf].
- Big verdict in hazing lawsuit default [TortsProf]
- Late addition: The Drug & Device guys have some fun describing a serious case involving (insert scary music here) the theft of human tissue! [Drug & Device Law Blog]
- Illinois Supreme Court adopts risk/utility with consumer expectations component; useful teaching case [TortsProf].
- Wyeth commentary abounds with argument Monday; here's one good overview with links to opposing views - the FDA documents are particularly notable [NY Personal Injury Law Blog citing Pharmalot on the FDA documents; see also WSJ Law Blog on the issue and Drug & Device Law Blog responding to the FDA documents released by Rep. Waxman].
- No evidence of holiday bump in personal injury verdicts [Maryland Injury Attorney Blog]
- New blog from DRI [For the Defense]
- Not remotely tort related, but go listen to my daughter interview the Johns from They Might Be Giants [Spare the Rock, Spoil the Child]
Did I mention go vote? Go vote.
And just to put you in a Halloween mood, here's my daughter as Amelia Earhart a couple of years ago:
And my son as a hairy eyeball last year: