TortsProf Blog

Editor: Christopher J. Robinette
Southwestern Law School

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rodwin & Frank Debate Malpractice Insurance Premiums Research

On Saturday, Chris posted Professor Marc Rodwin's new article "Malpractice Premiums in Massachusetts, A High-Risk State:  1975 to 2005."   As Chris predicted, the article has prompted a hot debate.

At Point of Law, Ted Frank criticized Rodwin's article, arguing that "the authors have cherry-picked comparison points," and further arguing that the "study has several fundamental methodological errors."

In a comprehensive post at Point of Law, Professor Rodwin has now responded.  His response, in part, states:

Ted Frank accuses the authors of cherry picking. However, our study provides more reliable and comprehensive data than has ever been published before. It reveals rates by specialty of practice, dollar level of coverage and policy type. It reveals the distribution of discounts and surcharges to insurance rates, and the distribution of physicians purchasing different types of policies. It reveals trends over time, showing premium cycles. Ted Frank, in his own cherry picking points out premium rises, ignores their declines, and does not indicate long term trends.

Frank promises a rebuttal over the weekend.   Stay tuned!


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» A response to Marc Rodwin; the Massachusetts medical malpractice crisis from PointOfLaw Forum
Marc Rodwin's response to my critique of his lead-authored study for Health Affairs consists entirely of statements that are either (1) factually false or (2) irrelevant to the central criticism I made of the paper, which is never addressed: Rodwin's... [Read More]

Tracked on May 22, 2008 3:58:07 AM


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