TortsProf Blog

Editor: Christopher J. Robinette
Southwestern Law School

Sunday, December 2, 2007

McCain: Med Mal Changes "At Least" Second Highest Priority

So reports a South Carolina paper.  Quoting McCain:

“Because of the need for health care reform, medical malpractice reform is at least my second highest priority.”

“Every time there is new technology, doctors perform defensive medicine. I can’t tell you the number of tests that all of us in this room have taken just to so that doctors won’t be sued for malpractice. That is one reason costs go up.”

Concluding on this subject to an enormous round of applause, McCain said, “In a perfect world, the loser [in a medical malpractice lawsuit] would pay [legal and trial costs].  It would have an incredible effect.”


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Tracked on Dec 7, 2007 3:55:48 AM


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