Friday, May 4, 2007
Some Back Story on the OK Veto has a story on why the governor of Oklahoma vetoed the liability changes passed by the legislature last week. As it notes, Gov. Henry cited in a press release the opposition by the attorney general as very important in his decision:
A major factor in the governor’s decision was the opposition of Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson. The state’s top law officer said Thursday that SB 507 would make Oklahoma’s efforts to protect water quality and prevent pollution virtually impossible. Edmondson also raised concerns about the state’s ability to pursue other legal actions designed to protect its citizens.
“Obviously, the attorney general’s opinion carries great weight with me. I think it would be a huge mistake to tie this attorney general’s hands or the hands of any future attorney general when it comes to protecting our state and its citizens,” said the governor.
P.S. How odd to have an official party blog hosted on BlogSpot...