Monday, March 11, 2024
New Securities Law Articles in Print
The following law review articles relating to securities regulation are now available in paper format:
Jessica Biggott, Comment, Breaking the Green Washing Wave: The Need for ESG-Friendly Securities Fraud Class Action Standards Post-Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. v. Arkansas Teacher Retirement System, 2023 Wis. L. Rev. 1449 (2023).
Joshua S. Almond, Note, Fund Finance Fraud: JES Global Capital and Implications for Subscription Line Lender Due Diligence, 27 N.C. Bank. Inst. 210 (2023).
Caleb F. Boldt, Note, What Is in Our Best Interest? Are Educational Digital Engagement Practices a Way to Avoid Pending Gamification Regulation?, 27 N.C. Bank. Inst. 382 (2023).
Gunjan D. Devnani, Note, Creating a Path to Regulation—Digital Assets, Howey, and the Regulatory Dilemma, 27 N.C. Bank. Inst. 399 (2023).
Hannah M. Dunaway, Note, "Breaking the Bank" Mergers: How Bank Consolidation is Hurting Communities, 27 N.C. Bank. Inst. 108 (2023).
Meghan K. Fernandez, Note, Incorporating the Supply Chain into the SEC's Human Capital Disclosure Requirements, 27 N.C. Bank. Inst. 419 (2023).
Chris Pappavaselio, Student Article, Back to Basics in Securities Fraud Class Actions: The Case for Rewinding the Basic Presumption, 20 Berkeley Bus. L.J. 316 (2023).
Matthew R. Stersic, Note, Cooling-off or Completely Freezing? Rule 10b5-1 Insider Trading Plans' Cooling-Off Periods, 27 N.C. Bank. Inst. 494 (2023).
Amanda K. Williams, Comment, Closing a Loophole in Exchange Act Enforcement: A Framework for Assessing the Enforceability of Delaware Forum Selection Bylaws in the Context of Derivative § 14(a) Claims, 90 U. Chi. L. Rev. 2355 (2023).