Monday, April 27, 2009
Seton Hall Symposium Call for Papers
October 30, 2009
Seton Hall Law School
Newark, NJ
Securities Regulation and the Global Economic Crisis: What Does the Future Hold?
The SETON HALL LAW REVIEW will be hosting a Symposium on October 30, 2009, at Seton Hall Law School in Newark, NJ, to address the role of securities regulation in the current global financial crisis. Specifically, this event will examine the origins and genesis of the crisis, address the future of securities regulation domestically and internationally, and attempt to anticipate the role of government agencies, self-regulatory organizations, and private market participants in shaping and effectuating regulation. This Symposium will bring together experts from both public and private sectors, as well as from the legal and academic communities, to explain, debate, and assess the challenges and opportunities presented by the current and prospective landscape of global securities regulation.
Persons interested in participating as a speaker and/or in publishing a piece in the special Symposium issue of the SETON HALL LAW REVIEW should submit a CV and a 200-word abstract of their presentation to Laura Fant, Symposium Editor, by May 15, 2009. Laura Fant may be reached at (617) 480-7428 / [email protected]. Prospective speakers or panelists should indicate whether they would be interested in submitting a paper based on their presentation for publication. Contributions are welcome from scholars and practitioners in all disciplines.