Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Arizona Requires Outdated Mifepristone Protocol

New York Times (Apr. 2, 2016): Arizona Governor Signs Abortion Bill that Skirts F.D.A. Decision, by Erik Eckholm:

The Food and Drug Administration recently relaxed its guidelines for use of the abortion-inducing drug mifepristone, which is used in approximately one in four abortions.  Arizona has passed a law requiring abortion providers to follow the original guidelines.  The original guidelines, based on studies conducted in the 1990s, recommended doses of mifepristone that have since been deemed unnecessarily high and recommended its use in pregnancies of up to seven weeks, instead of the ten-week pregnancies.  Medical researchers have determined that mifepristone is safe in pregnancies of up to ten weeks.   

The conservative Christian group that promoted the legislation called the new F.D.A. guidelines outrageous.  Opponents of the law see it as an attack on women.

Abortion, State Legislatures | Permalink


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