Sunday, October 20, 2013
Review of Documentary "After Tiller"
SFGate: After Tiller' review: nuanced look at abortion, by David Lewis:
Documentary. Directed by Martha Shane and Lana Wilson. (Rated PG-13. 88 minutes.)
"After Tiller" doesn't take long to enter incendiary territory, as we see Dr. George Tiller's wrapped body being removed from a Wichita, Kan., church, where he was shot and killed in 2009 for performing third-trimester abortions at his clinic.
That could have easily been a documentary in itself, but filmmakers Martha Shane and Lana Wilson take the story in a more interesting - and thought-provoking - direction: profiling the only four doctors in the country who still openly offer the controversial third-trimester procedures (opposed by many on both sides of the abortion debate). . . .