Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Tennessee Abortion Bill Would Require State to Publish Doctors' Names and Patient Statistics
The Huffington Post: Tennessee Abortion Bill Would Make Abortion Providers' Names Public, by Laura Bassett:
A new bill moving through the Tennessee House of Representatives would require the state to publish the names of each doctor who performs an abortion and detailed statistics about the woman having the procedure, which opponents worry will spur anti-abortion violence in the state.
The Life Defense Act of 2012, sponsored by state Rep. Matthew Hill (R-Jonesboro), mandates that the Tennessee Department of Health make detailed demographic information about every woman who has an abortion available to the public, including her age, race, county, marital status, education level, number of children, the location of the procedure and how many times she has been pregnant. Each report would also have to include the name of the doctor who performed the procedure. . . .