Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kansas Abortion Provider Faces Roadblocks

Los Angeles Times: Doctor struggles to fill role of slain Kansas abortion provider, by Jenny Deam:

Dr. Mila Means aims to succeed Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, but so far an antiabortion movement has thwarted her at every turn.

Reporting from Wichita, Kan.—

. . . Dr. Mila Means, a 55-year-old solo family practitioner with neon red hair and neo-hippie style, doesn't remember how or when she heard that Dr. George Tiller had been gunned down in his church.

She knew him only slightly as their paths crossed in medical circles. Mostly, she knew of him — as the lone abortion provider in a city of nearly 400,000, as a symbol of the country's abortion wars.

After his killing on May 31, 2009, the decision to step into his place did not come as an epiphany but rather over time, with sad reluctance. . . .


Abortion, Anti-Choice Movement, State and Local News, Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) | Permalink

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