Thursday, February 23, 2012

Federal Judge Rules Washington State Cannot Require Pharmacies to Sell Plan B

The Huffington Post: Judge says Wash. can't make pharmacies sell Plan B, by Gene Johnson:

Washington state cannot force pharmacies to sell Plan B or other emergency contraceptives, a federal judge ruled Wednesday, saying the state's true goal was to suppress religious objections by druggists – not to promote timely access to the medicines for people who need them.

U.S. District Judge Ronald Leighton sided with a pharmacy and two pharmacists who said state rules requiring them to dispense Plan B violate their constitutional rights to freedom of religion because such drugs can destroy a fertilized egg, which they consider equal to abortion. . . .

The opinion is available here.

Contraception, In the Courts, Religion, Religion and Reproductive Rights, State and Local News | Permalink

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