Saturday, November 13, 2010

Q & A With Doctor Warren Hern, Provider of Later Abortions

Time Magazine: Late-Term Abortions: Q&A With the Last Remaining Doctor Who Performs Them, by Bonnie Rochman:

No doubt, being an abortion doctor is a stressful and dangerous profession. Being an abortion doctor who performs abortions well into the second and third trimesters only ups the ante. Ask Warren Hern, the only doctor in America who admits to performing delayed abortions.

Worry and fear accompany Hern like a parent accompanies a small child crossing the street. They are always right there, hovering. He can never let down his guard.

When his friend and fellow abortion doctor, George Tiller, was murdered in May 2009 as he handed out pamphlets in his Wichita, Kan., church, Hern drove to his memorial service escorted by U.S. marshals. Less than a month after Tiller's death, a man from Spokane, Wash., called Hern's office in Boulder, Colo., to say that two people were headed for the Rockies to harm his family. Donald Hertz, who made the threat, was sentenced last week to five years of probation for threatening Hern's family. (More on The Grass-Roots Abortion War).

Hern specializes in abortions late in pregnancy that are performed due to fetal disorders, although he makes it clear that he doesn't see it as his role to pass judgment on why a woman shows up at his clinic doorstep. . . .

Abortion, Anti-Choice Movement, Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) | Permalink

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