Sunday, September 26, 2010

Republicans' "Pledge to America" Promises Permanent End to Federal Funding of Abortions

MedPage Today: GOP Pledge Includes Vow to Repeal Reform Law, by Joyce Frieden:

Repub elephant WASHINGTON -- The "Pledge to America" unveiled by congressional Republicans on Thursday includes a vow to "repeal and replace" the healthcare reform law signed six months ago by President Obama.

The American people "don't want the $500 billion in their taxes and the over 150 boards, bureaucracies, and commissions required to implement this," Rep. Bill Cassidy, MD (R-La.) said at a press conference held by GOP congressional leaders. "What the American people told us they want is that we defund, repeal, and replace" the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which was signed by President Obama on March 23.

Republicans included the following healthcare-related items in the 21-page "pledge" document:

. . .Permanently Prohibit Taxpayer Funding of Abortion. The pledge includes permanent enactment into law of the "Hyde amendment," a rule that bans the spending of government funds for abortion and that has to be reauthorized every year. Republicans also want to enact "conscience protections" for healthcare providers, allowing them to opt out of providing abortions or other services that they have a moral objection to. . . .

Abortion, Congress, Politics, President/Executive Branch | Permalink

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