Sunday, December 23, 2007

Two Pregnant 16-Year-Olds in Spotlight

David Crary reports for the Associated Press:

In the new hit movie "Juno" and now in real life with Jamie Lynn Spears, 16-year-old girls get pregnant and decide to bear the child rather than opt for abortion. For social conservatives, it's a challenging story line — they condemn the teen sex but hail the ensuing choice.

"It's a double-edged sword in the Christian community," said Bill Maier, a vice president of the conservative ministry Focus on the Family.

"We should commend girls like Jamie Lynn Spears for making a courageous decision to have the baby. On the other hand, there's nothing glamorous or fun about being an unwed teen mother."

Anti-Choice Movement, Pregnancy & Childbirth, Teenagers and Children | Permalink

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