Friday, July 17, 2020
CFP: Journal for Law, Property, and Society
This just in from Marc Roark (Southern):
Annual Call For Papers
The Journal for Law, Property, and Society
The Association of Law Property & Society (ALPS) publishes the Journal of Law, Property, and Society. While our annual meeting was not able to occur this year, we still hope to publish high quality scholarship from our international property law community in our open access peer review journal. We have heard that some people missed our earlier call for papers, so we are recirculating and have extended the deadline.
We invite you to consider publishing with JLPS in three ways.
First, we invite submissions of papers that would have been presented at our annual meeting. If you are interested in publishing your piece with us, please submit your abstract by July 31, 2020 with an email stating when the final article would be ready to be circulated for peer review.
Second, JLPS publishes descriptive articles on property law. These articles are intended to be clear, authoritative, and useful introductions to a property topic. There are few existing venues for publication of this kind of article and creating a space for them was one of our goals in creating the journal. If you are interested in submitting this type of article to the journal, we invite you to send us a short e-mail describing your proposed topic.
Third, JLPS publishes book reviews. If you have a book you would like to review or would like to have one of your publications reviewed, please contact us.
Please submit all questions and abstracts directly to our Editor in Chief, Jessie Owley at [email protected].