Tuesday, November 19, 2019

CFPs: Disruptive Technology, Legal Innovation and the Future of Real Estate

Screen Shot 2019-11-19 at 9.00.13 AMThis just in from Ronit Levine-Schnur (Radzyner Law School):

We are pleased to consider paper submissions for a forthcoming volume on "Disruptive Technology, Legal Innovation and the Future of Real Estate", edited by Prof. Amnon Lehavi and Dr. Ronit Levine- Schnur of the Harry Radzyner Law School and the Gazit-Globe Real Estate Institute at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya.

The volume, with contributions by Benito Arruñada, Jan Veuger, Kat Grimsley, Catalina Goanta, Georg von Wangenheim, and others, offers original insights on emerging problems of property rights and real estate regulation in the face of new and disruptive technologies.

Submissions should be approximately 10,000 words and written in the author-date (Chicago) style.
The deadline for submission is no later than November 30th, 2019. We will accept a small number of contributions.

Previous volumes published in this series include:

Private Communities and Urban Governance: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives (Springer, 2016), One Hundred Years of Zoning and the Future of Cities (Springer, 2018), and Measuring the Effectiveness of Real Estate Regulation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Springer, 2020).

To submit a paper for consideration, please email Ronit Levine-Schnur at [email protected]

November 19, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Alexander on Property, Community, and the Tiny Homes Movement

Alexander-Lisa-2018Lisa T. Alexander (Texas A&M) has posted Community in Property: Lessons From Tiny Homes Villages (Minnesota Law Review) on SSRN. Here's the abstract:

The evolving role of community in property law remains undertheorized. While legal scholars have analyzed the commons, common interest communities, and aspects of the sharing economy, the recent rise of intentional co-housing communities re-mains relatively understudied. This Article analyzes tiny homes villages for unhoused people in the United States, as examples of co-housing communities that create a new housing tenure—stewardship—and demonstrate the growing importance of community, co-management, sustainability, and flexibility in con-temporary property law. These villages’ property relationships challenge the predominance of individualized, exclusionary, long-term, fee simple ownership in contemporary property law and exemplify property theories such as progressive property theory, property as personhood theory, access versus ownership theories, and urban commons theories. These villages mitigate homelessness but also illustrate how communal relationships can provide more stability than traditional ownership during times of uncertainty. Due to increasing natural disasters and other increasingly unpredictable phenomena, municipalities may find these property forms adaptable and useful in minimizing housing insecurity and instability. This Article posits how localities can legalize stewardship and tiny homes villages for unhoused people. These insights reveal a new role for steward-ship and community building in American property law and theory.

November 11, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)

Friday, November 8, 2019

CFP: ALPS 2020 @Tulane Law

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Friends one and all! It's the time of year we've all been waiting for: the ALPS 2020 Call for Papers has been released! Aanndd...best of all...it's in my hometown! You can be sure that our hostess with the mostest Sally Brown Richardson and her team at Tulane Law will put on quite a spectacular conference! Get registered and submit today!

CALL for Papers
11th Annual Conference on Law, Property, and Society

ALPS will hold its 11th annual meeting at Tulane University Law School in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 21­–23, 2020. The dates include optional pre-conference field trips during the day and an evening reception on Thursday, May 21. The academic portion of the conference will be on Friday, May 22, and Saturday, May 23, with concurrent panels and plenary sessions running all day on both days. 

Paper submissions on any subject related to property law and the practices that shape property norms and institutions are welcome. ALPS has a strong commitment to international and interdisciplinary diversity, and paper topics reflecting that commitment are encouraged. ALPS accepts both individual paper submissions and proposals for fully formed panels (usually 3 to 4 presenters, sometimes including films or multimedia outputs).  

While papers on any topic of property law are welcome, some possible organizing themes might include property in relation to land use planning, zoning, water law, environmental law, energy law, mortgages and financing, land titles, housing issues, real estate development, historic preservation, property of Indigenous people, comparative perspectives on property law, race and gender issues in property, intellectual property rights, property theory, and takings law. ALPS welcomes presentations of projects at all stages of development, from recently published to early-stage ideas.

Submissions should include an abstract of no more than 250 words. In addition, submissions must include: (1) the name of the submitting scholar, (2) the scholar’s institution, (3) an email for contact, and (4) where appropriate, parallel information for any coauthors. If submitting a panel, please ensure that an abstract for each paper accompanies the submission and that each abstract also includes the name of the panel. Email submissions to [email protected].  Authors and panel proposers will be notified of the acceptance of their individual submissions or proposed panel on a rolling basis starting after November 11, 2019. The deadline for submitting papers and panels is January 31, 2020. All individuals will be notified of the acceptance of their submission by February 14, 2020. 

In general, each presenter will be limited to one research paper presentation per conference, although some exceptions may be made for special discussion groups or other unique thematic panels. After reviewing and accepting submissions, ALPS will thematically group accepted papers and panels. Concurrent panels will be held on both days of the conference with each panel session lasting approximately 90 minutes and including both individual presentations and time for questions from the audience.

Conference registration will open November 11, 2019 and will close on April 1, 2020.  The cost of registration is as follows:

                                                       Regular           Full-time LL.M. or PhD students

Until February 21, 2020                     $175                $75

Beginning February 22, 2020             $250                $125

All attendees must register for the conference, and presenters must register before April 1, 2020, to ensure a place on the final conference program. To register for the conference, please visit  http://www.cvent.com/d/qhqj0t after November 11, 2019. Information about accommodations and travel planning will be provided on the registration site. An opportunity to identify special needs will be included in the registration form and organizers will make best efforts to facilitate accommodations. The host venue is a fully accessible facility.

Please direct all inquiries to Sally Richardson (conference host) ([email protected]) or Jess Shoemaker (program committee chair) ([email protected]). 

November 8, 2019 in Conferences | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

CFP: SRP Sustainability Conference of American Legal Educators

This just in from Troy Rule (Arizona State):

Call for Speakers - Submit Now!
Panel and Presentation Proposals
Due December 31, 2019

The Program on Law and Sustainability at the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University is now accepting panel and presentation proposals for its sixth annual SRP Sustainability Conference of American Legal Educators.

Groups of up to four full-time law professors are invited to submit panel proposals on environmental sustainability-related legal topics. Individual presentation proposals are also welcome.  Arizona State University will provide hotel lodging and airfare/transportation reimbursement (up to $500) for all selected panelists and presenters. 

Those interested in participating must submit panel or presentation proposals through the conference website by December 31, 2019(please do not submit via e-mail). Selected presenters will be notified by January 25, 2020.

The SRP Sustainability Conference of American Legal Educators is an annual gathering of law professors who are doing research in sustainability-related areas. The conference features presentations of legal academic research on subjects pertaining to environmental sustainability and law, including environmental law, natural resources law, water law, energy law, land use law, agricultural law, food law, disaster law, and climate change law. The conference will be held on Friday, May 15, 2020, at the Beus Center for Law and Society in Phoenix, AZ.

Morrison Prize Contest

ASU has also posted the Call for Entries for its Fifth Annual Morrison Prize Contest -- a $10,000 prize contest for recent environmental sustainability-related law journal articles that are ALREADY WRITTEN!  Entrants must merely send five offprints of their qualifying article and a cover letter to the address in the Call for Entries (https://events.asucollegeoflaw.com/sustainabilitylawconference/morrison-prize-contest/).  The deadline for entering the contest is January 1, 2020. 

November 6, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)