Wednesday, October 2, 2019

CFP: 2020 Detroit Mercy Law Review Symposium - Race, Class, and Environmental Justice


2020 Detroit Mercy Law Review Symposium:
Race, Class, and Environmental Justice

Call for Proposals
Deadline: Friday, October 18, 2019

The University of Detroit Mercy Law Review seeks proposals for its 104th annual Symposium, which will focus on Race, Class, and Environmental Justice and will be held Friday, March 6, 2019, in Detroit, Michigan.  Proposals, which should be approximately 250–500 words, are due no later than 5 p.m. EST on Friday, October 18, 2019.  Possible topics include, but are not limited to: the impact of water and air quality issues on marginalized people; the history of ecological inequities and the law; legal approaches to climate change and global warming; challenges arising from efforts to increase the use of renewable energy; legal and equitable issues connected with deep decarbonization projects; and any other topic related to race, class, and environmental justice.  Please include a current CV with your proposal and indicate whether the proposal is for a presentation only, or whether you also plan to submit an article for possible publication.  Preference will be given to proposals that include plans for an article, which will be due to the Law Review on Friday, March 13, 2019.  Proposals and questions should be directed to Bridget Underhill, Symposium Director, at [email protected].

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