Thursday, September 12, 2019

Kratovil Conference on Real Estate Law & Practice (Oct. 1, 2019)

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This just in from Celeste Hammond (UCI-John Marshall):

The Kratovil Conference will consider the implications for the real estate industry and its attorneys as a result of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2019 decision, Knick v. Township of Scott. This decision opened the door to takings suits in federal courts by eliminating the state-action ripeness requirement, which forced most landowners to seek remedies for overly broad state and local land use regulations in often-unsympathetic state courts.

Because property owners no longer need to seek a state remedy before filing a takings claims in federal court, the question is: Will there be a flood of lawsuits filed in federal court challenging federal, state, and local regulations that restrict private land development? Presenters at the Conference will include attorneys who represented Knick and the Township of Scott, Pennsylvania, as well as advocates who filed amicus briefs on behalf of individuals whose rights would be affected by the decision. A panel of practitioners will explore how the decision will affect their clients.

Click here for more information.


September 12, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)