Thursday, July 18, 2019

CFP: ABA Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law

ABA Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law

Call for Papers 

State and Local Government Responses to the Affordable Housing Crisis

Drafts due September 1, 2019

The Journal of Affordable Housing & Community Development Law (the Journal) invites articles and essays discussing how state and local governments are responding to the affordable housing crisis.  Example topics could include investigation of new state statues, local ordinances, or policies regarding:  rent control / rent stabilization; inclusionary zoning; source-of-income provisions; funding affordable housing; state-level affirmatively further fair housing provisions; and re-zoning single-family residential districts for higher densities.  Other relevant topics are welcome.  The Journal publishes both essays (typically 2,500–6,200 words) and articles (typically 7,000-10,000 words). 

In addition, the Journal welcomes articles and essays on any of the Journal’s traditional subjects: affordable housing, fair housing and community/economic development. Topics could include important developments in the field; federal, state, local and/or private funding sources; statutes, policies or regulations; and empirical studies.

The Journal is the nation’s only law journal dedicated to affordable housing and community development law.  The Journal educates readers and provides a forum for discussion and resolution of problems in these fields by publishing articles from distinguished law professors, policy advocates and practitioners.

Interested authors are encouraged to send an abstract describing their proposals. Submissions of final articles and essays are due by September 1, 2019. Please email abstracts and final drafts to the Journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Stephen R. Miller, at [email protected]. The Journal also accepts submissions on a rolling basis. Please do not hesitate to contact the Editor with any questions.

July 18, 2019 | Permalink | Comments (0)