Saturday, July 9, 2016

Professors' Corner: Conservation Easements


Professors’ Corner
A FREE monthly webinar featuring a panel of law professors,
addressing topics of interest to practitioners of real estate and trusts/estates

Tuesday, July 12, 2016
12:30 p.m. Eastern/11:30 a.m. Central/9:30 a.m. Pacific
Conservation Easements: Contemporary Issues and Challenges


Federico Cheever, Professor of Law & Co-Director of the Environmental and Natural Resources Law Program, University of Denver Sturm College of Law

Nancy A. McLaughlin, Robert W. Swenson Professor of Law, University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law

Jessica Owley, Associate Professor of Law, SUNY Buffalo Law School


Amy Morris Hess, Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis and Williford Gragg Distinguished Professor of Law Emeritus,
University of Tennessee College of Law

Conservation easements have become an increasingly popular land protection tool, in part due to the availability of generous federal and, in some cases, state tax incentives for their donation. There are, however, a number of contemporary issues and challenges associated with conservation easements that all attorneys should be aware of. The speakers, each of whom has extensive experience with conservation easements, will address:

  • the sometimes surprising laws that impact the creation and administration of conservation easements,
  • the due diligence required when a client is considering conveying a conservation easement, and
  • the lessons learned from the voluminous case law regarding qualifying for a federal charitable income tax deduction for the donation of a conservation easement.

Register for this FREE webinar by clicking here.

Sponsored by the ABA Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section
Legal Education and Uniform Laws Group

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