Friday, March 25, 2016

Klein's New Property Textbook

Klein-christineChristine Klein (Florida) has posted a sample chapter from a new first-edition property casebook published last month by Aspen Publishers.  Here's the blurb from the Publisher's website:

Property: Cases, Problems, and Skills offers a modern, skills-based approach to Property Law, and includes a balance of classic and new cases, tightly-focused skills exercises (including advocacy, drafting, client interviewing/counseling, and negotiation), selected statutory excerpts, chapter review problems (with answers provided in the Appendix for student self-testing), and other pedagogical features (such as discussion problems raising novel and modern challenges, “A Place to Start” doctrinal overview boxes, and “Reading Guide” boxes). The online teacher’s manual will provide answers to all questions posed in the text and suggestions for conducting the skills exercises (generally, during a group exercise that takes all or part of a single class session). The two-color text is visually appealing, with judicious use of photographs, text boxes, and pedagogical diagrams. Although the text does not take a “hide the ball” approach, it prods students to engage with the law’s complexity, ambiguity, and nuance.

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