Wednesday, April 29, 2015
A Brutal Year for Property Hiring
Both the lateral and entry-level hiring markets were rough sledding for property professors this year. On the entry-level side, it doesn't appear that any new hires do research on traditional real property subjects. The entry-level hires that do Property-ish stuff:
Cathay Smith (Montana) (IP)
Natalie Banta (Valparaiso) (Trusts & Estates)
Kristen van de Biezenbos (Texas Tech) (Oil & Gas)
On the lateral side there are three big stories. First, Michael Schill, property professor (and Dean) at University of Chicago, was appointed president of University of Oregon.
Second, Sonia Katyal moved from Fordham to Berkeley.
And, finally, Texas A&M hired all of the intellectual property professors it could find. Under new dean, Andrew Morriss, A&M made five senior hires (nine total hires!). Three of the senior hires have strong backgrounds in IP: Glynn Lunney, Peter Yu, and Irene Calboli.