Monday, January 13, 2014

Violation of Property Norms Motivates Opposition to Proposed National Park in Maine


For years, Lucas St. Clair and his mother, Roxanne Quimby, have been trying to donate 75,000 acres of pristine land the federal government in order to establish a new national park in Maine.  Although the presence of a national park would surely attract money and tourists to an economically depressed areas, local residents are staunch in their opposition to the proposal.  Why? Because locals still resent Quimby (the founder of Burt's Bees skin care company) for violating the property norms of rural Maine.  Specifically, she closed off her land to hunters and snowmobilers.  Here's the quote from the NY Times:

[F]erocious opposition has stalled their plan, partly out of antipathy toward Ms. Quimby, who, against Maine tradition, closed off her lands to hunters and snowmobilers, and partly because many in this fiercely independent region loathe the idea of giving Washington a toehold here.

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