Thursday, January 16, 2014
The Moral Imperative of Providing Housing to Gay Seniors
Bryan Lowder looks at the burgeoning issue of whether cities have a moral responsibility to provide housing to elderly LGBT citizens:
But eldercare is also a matter of economic justice. The responsibility . . . is easy forget in the era of gay marriage, in which same-sex couples are increasingly able to consolidate their wealth and plan for their retirements and estates in ways that older generations just couldn’t. And regardless of whether gay elders found life partners or not, the hard truth is that . . . simply being queer and out in previous decades often had severe—and long-term—consequences on an individual’s finances.
But the most unconscionable aspect of this issue—and the one that affordable elder housing is ideally suited to prevent—is the pressure many LGBTQ seniors feel to go back into the closet after a lifetime of openness. This kind of retreat can seem necessary in traditional nursing homes and retirement communities as queer residents are forced to reintegrate with their less tolerant age-group. Imagine the pain of having to police your behavior or refrain from discussing a partner who has passed in your own home—it’s barbaric. Hopefully, other cities will take a cue from Philadelphia and work to create accommodations for our elders that afford them the peace and dignity they deserve.