Thursday, January 2, 2014

Top SSRN Downloads

SsrnIn honor of the begining of the month, here are the most downloaded property articles on SSRN over the last 60 days:


1.  [751 downloads]  The Paper Chase: Securitization, Foreclosure, and the Uncertainty of Mortgage Title
     Adam J. Levitin (Georgetown)

2.  [203 downloads]  Very Long-Run Discount Rates
     Stefano Giglio (Chicago), Johannes Stroebel (NYU), & Matteo Maggiori (NYU)

3.  [105 downloads]  Ownership and Obligations: The Human Flourishing Theory of Property
     Gregory S. Alexander (Cornell)

4.  [100 downloads]  On Property Theory
     David Ellerman (UC Riverside)

5.  [86 downloads]  Putting Exclusionary Zoning in its Place: Affordable Housing and Geographical Scale
     Christopher Serkin (Vanderbilt) & Leslie Wellington (Brooklyn)

6.  [75 downloads]  Exactions Creep
     Lee Anne Fennell (Chicago) & Eduardo M. Penalver (Chicago)

7.  [70 downloads]  Nollan and Dolan and Koontz – Oh My! The Exactions Trilogy Requires Developers to Cover the Full Social Costs of Their Projects, But No More
     Christina Martin (Pacific Legal Foundation)

8.  [69 downloads]  Forcings
     Lee Anne Fennell (Chicago)

9.  [68 downloads]  Koontz in the Mansion and the Gatehouse
     Steven J. Eagle (George Mason)

10.  [54 downloads]  Tribal Renewable Energy Development Under the Hearth Act: An Independently Rational, But Collectively Deficient Option
     Elizabeth Ann Kronk Warner (Kansas)

January 2, 2014 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Will Elves Stop Highway Construction in Iceland?

PBS investigates:

An Icelandic group called the Hrauvinir, or "Friends of the Lava," have joined with environmentalists to seek an injunction from the country's Supreme Court against a building project by the Icelandic Road and Coastal Commission which was green-lit in September. [...]

In addition to arguments about the environmental impact of such a project, the Hrauvinir also claim that the road work will disturb the "Huldufolk" -- or "hidden folk" -- the ancient elves of Iceland. The group also claims the area the new highway would run through is of particular importance because it contains an elf church. [...]

The belief in elves is widespread enough and the objections to road work projects that might disturb ancient elf habitats so frequent, that the Icelandic Road and Coastal Commission has written a boilerplate, standard reply for any press inquiries on the subject, saying it will not answer questions on whether its "employees do or do not believe in elves and 'hidden people' because opinion differs greatly on this and it tends to be a rather personal matter."

January 1, 2014 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Map of the Day: A Real-Time Bike-Share Map of the Entire World

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I think Bikeshare programs are kinda silly and weirdly utopian.  Nevertheless, this is a badass mapOliver O'Brien, a researcher with the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis in London, has created a map that records all the bikeshare docking stations in the world, shows which stations are full, and catalagoues how many bikeshare bikes are in use at any given time.

Here's Washington, D.C. on New Year's Eve:

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January 1, 2014 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)