Thursday, January 26, 2012

London Bridge is Falling Down



Actually, London Bridge may be fine.  I don't know.  But London has some bigger issues.  The Palace of Westminster has apparently been slowly subsiding for some time, which has caused Big Ben to lean, and for cracks to appear in surrounding structures. (The Big Ben situation may not be a problem for 10,000 years, according to one expert.)  To fix the underlying problem, engineers propose sealing off large portions of the Palace of Westminster for years, to allow them to shore up the foundation.  Some MPs, unhappy about the time and expense that would be involved in saving the 140+ year old structure, propose selling it to developers and building a new home for Parliament.

Meanwhile, back in America, the New York Times reports today on efforts in NYC to reconcile historic preservation and new green building standards. 

Tanya Marsh

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