Monday, November 15, 2010
How can the ABA support PropertyProfs?
I am back from the fall leadership meeting of the ABA's Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section. If you teach property courses and aren't a member of the section, I highly recommend that you get involved. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
The main topic of discussion in the section's Legal Education Committee (chaired by Wilson Freyermuth) meeting this weekend was how the ABA, the Real Property section, and the committee in particular can support property professors with materials, ideas, and expertise. Many good ideas were thrown around, but it was a small group, so we wanted to extend the discussion to the larger PropertyProf community.
1. Can you envision any way that the ABA's Real Property section can support your efforts in the classroom? Are there any materials that you desire that you have a difficult time finding? Would it be helpful if members volunteered to serve as guest speakers to talk to your students about some aspect of their practice?
2. How could the ABA's Real Property section support new professors, or adjuncts teaching for the first time?
3. We would eventually like to reach out to adjunct professors teaching real estate courses, but don't believe that a comprehensive list of such people exists. (If it does, please let me know!) It would help enormously if you could post a comment to this post or e-mail me directly with a list of the real estate courses at your school taught by adjuncts, the names of the people teaching those courses, and any contact information.
There are a lot of great people involved in the ABA's Real Property section, both practitioners and professors. We'd love your input on ways that we can capitalize on that experience and energy for the benefit of all of our students!
Tanya Marsh
[Comments are held for approval and may be delayed]