Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Property Visitors Wanted

The University of San Francisco and Gonzaga are both seeking property visitors for parts of the 2010-11 school year.  Here's the info:


The University of San Francisco School of Law is seeking a visitor to teach Property and Trusts & Estates for the 2010-11 academic year.  The visit would likely be for a single semester, although a year-long position may be possible.  USF provides a highly congenial academic environment, with weekly faculty scholarship lunches, an engaged student body, excellent facilities, and all the benefits of a San Francisco location.  Formal inquiries should be directed to Prof. Josh Davis, Chair, Faculty Appointments Committee, at [email protected] or (415) 422-6223.  Applicants may contact Prof. Alice Kaswan, [email protected] or (415) 422-5053, with informal thoughts or questions.


Gonzaga University School of Law seeks applicants for a full-time visiting position for Spring 2011.  The visitor will teach a four-credit Property course to second-semester, first-year students.  In addition, the visitor may teach an upper level elective in an area of the visitor’s interest.  Applicants should have experience in teaching Property and a demonstrated commitment to teaching excellence.  The law school is strongly committed to diversifying its faculty and furthering Gonzaga’s mission.  For additional information, contact Professor Gerry Hess, Chair, Faculty Recruitment Committee, Gonzaga University School of Law, P.O. Box 3528, Spokane, Washington 99220-3528, or contact Professor Hess by e-mail at [email protected].


Ben Barros

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