Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Call for Papers - 2010 AALS Property Section Mid-Year Meeting

TO:      Teachers and Members of the AALS Sections on Property, Land Use
           Planning, Natural Resources and Real Estate Transactions
FROM:   Planning Committee on 2010 Workshop on Property Law: What Do the 
            Mortgage Crisis and the Global Warming Crisis Tell Us About the
            Fundamentals of Property Law?:   
                 Vicki Been, New York University School of Law, Chair 
                 Eduardo Peñalver, Cornell Law School
                 Joseph W. Singer, Harvard Law School
                 Alfred C. Yen, Boston College Law School 
Request for Proposals
We are seeking proposals for two different types of presentations of works in progress on property law. 
We are planning the AALS 2010 Mid-Year Meeting Workshop on Property: What do the Mortgage Crisis and the Global Warming Crisis Tell Us About the Fundamentals of Property Law? The Workshop will be held on June 10-11, 2010 at the Sheraton New York in New York City. The Workshop will use the mortgage and housing crisis, as well as the global warming crisis, as lens to explore how recent scholarship on normative theories of property, the burgeoning work on behavioral law and economics, current research on risk regulation, scholarship on race, class and inequality, and recent developments in political economy can advance our understanding of, and approach to teaching about, key issues in property law. While the workshop will feature a variety of panels on those issues, we also would like to offer breakout sessions to feature works in progress, especially by junior scholars. Nestor Davidson and Ben Barros, who have organized a Property Works-in-Progress Conference for the last few years, are likely to take a break for 2010, so we view these breakout sessions as filling the gap left by that break. We will offer two types of breakout sessions - the first will feature works-in-progress that are completed drafts that are ready or nearly ready for submission to journals. We expect each session to feature up to three 15-minute presentations by different scholars, followed by questions from the moderator and the audience. The second will allow scholars to present very early ideas for papers in five to eight minutes, and get feedback from the audience about the viability of the topic and suggestions for useful resources.    
Our first priority for works-in-progress that are substantially complete will be for topics that will further the themes of the conference by focusing on some aspect of what the housing and mortgage crisis or global warming crisis tell us about property law or about teaching property. But we will leave room as well for junior scholars to present works in progress on other topics, in the spirit of the Property Works-in-Progress conference. Our goal is to feature promising emerging scholarship regardless of its fit with our overall themes. For the very early works in progress roundtables, our goal is simply to expose junior scholars to helpful feedback, so there will be no subject matter preferences. 
Interested faculty should submit a brief (no more than 500 words) written description of the proposed presentation, along with their resume. Please submit these materials by e-mail to [email protected] by October 30, 2009. Selected speakers will hear from us by December 15, 2009.
Those selected must register for the Workshop and pay the registration fee, and are responsible for their own travel and other expenses. Please direct questions to Professor Vicki Been at New York University School of Law, [email protected].


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