Friday, December 12, 2008

Fertile Septuagenarian

A couple of days ago, Kaimi Wenger noted this interesting story out of India:

Rajo Devi became the oldest woman in recorded history to ever give birth on November 28, when the 70-year-old delivered a baby girl in India. . . . The baby was conceived through the use of a donor egg that was injected with Ms. Devi’s 72-year-old husband’s sperm. . . . The record age for giving birth has inched up over the years (well, it’s the record if you don’t count Sarah and Abraham in the Bible) passing through the sixth decade — from 62 to 66 to 67 — an occasional woman at a time.

As Kaimi noted, Jee v. Audley no longer looks as absurd as it once did.

Ben Barros

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Posted by: sam gompers | Dec 12, 2008 7:12:28 AM

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